Hello Friends,
You are all coming from many many different places:
Our Magic and Miracles Newsletter—— A message on our website: www.youngsight.com … because you watched Lilou Mace’s interview of Robert—–Facebook—–personal connection—-etc.
I welcome you all! Robert created this blog for me and it has given me a voice to tell of the wonders of living the life he speaks of,
The Elevated Platform of Living!
My own background is so multi-varied and interesting (therapist, editor, hospital administrator, singer, parent, grandparent and landlord) that the perspective from the platform is fascinating for me and makes me the natural connector between worlds (without allowing myself to be caught in the lower or “play world” as Robert calls the world of dualism.)
Meeting Robert was Magical and it continues to be so:
This was not simple…..I kept discovering just how complex I had allowed my life to become. There was a need to dislodge all thought patterns that came from a knowledge base so that I could “fly beyond the limits of theory and proof.”
This can only happen if we maintain our elevated platform of living and allow our sparkles to permanently take our attention away from everything that we now know.
Being married to Robert is a constant WONDER!
Love and Sparkles,
Dear Brbara:Thank you for sharing your love and your joy.Wish you both all the blessings for this Xmas!This is Maria (from Argentina)
Dear Maria, Thank you for your beautiful note. Sharing the Joy of this Holiday Season with you is our blessing. Have you been to the website lately? Have you tried the new feature: “Shuffle and Play” Many report the magic that happens when a message is delivered in the form of a random writing.
Happy New Year!!
Love and Harmony,
Barbara, I have been away from the websites for awhile. Now that i am back I can feel my heart beating again with life. sometimes we get our self in a tizzy, and can’t get out. Running hot and cold, is not a good place to be. Thank you Barbara for your love for us all and Robert as well i Love you both. Toni
Dear Toni, Thank you for your comment that I read just now. Here is a Christmas gift for you: Just yesterday, Robert told a young lady to throw all her sparkles into the air then walk right into the shower of your own sparkles. It is an amazing feeling, I did it myself.
Love and harmony,
Blessings Barbara from Austin! Love and harmony from Kaden, Konnor and Dahlia 🙂
A nice Hungarian sparkle just added! Love and blessings, Nurit
So happy to show that Hungarian Sparkle!
Yulie, in Israel, speaks Hungarian and Hebrew (of course), so perfect. Being able to introduce you two is my pleasure!
thank you so much. I enjoy the little sparks so much. Love to you and Robert.
Dear Leila,
I just looked at the date of your lovely comment and realized that that was almost 6 months ago that I visited my own blog……..so many magical happenings have occurred and I will try to relate them starting today….October 10, 2015.
Love and Harmony,
Dear Barbara!
I just want to thank you for all caring inspiration! You and Robert have given so mutch – I want you to know that I have preciated every word!
Love from Torill??
Love this Barbara!!!
Dear Susan, You have activated this site by your suggestion re Swissindo. Thank you!!!
Looking forward to our meeting on Thursday.
Thank you Barbara for giving us a format to express ourselves in a private way. Your life will be an encouragement to live on the elevated platform.
Thank you for this encouraging comment! Robert created this website for me and I had forgotten how wonderful it is.
Been an absolute blessing of wonder and grace meeting you both, thank you from beyond worlds all time and space. Love is every where and thank you for you backing and support to allow the glitter and sun beams to shine down on my family and I, may Robert’s vibration be felt by all like the wind on trees. Always blessed and thankful to God for our meeting and time together!
Thank you so much. Your words transmit to us, your world of Magic and Miracles. <3